Bella Vita
Consultants LLC


Jazmine Navarro
President, Bella Vita Consultants

Jazzelyn Sosa
Chief Operating Officer

Who we are
Bella Vita Consultants is the only company based in the United States who specializes in arranging high quality and affordable plastic surgery and dentistry in the Dominican Republic and Colombia.
Bella Vita Consultants brings potential clients and renowned plastic surgeons and dentists together making it easier for clients to find a surgeon they feel most comfortable with.
Bella Vita Consultants acts like a bilingual secretary for surgeons in the Dominican Republic and Colombia keeping organized and efficient communication between the client and the surgeon or dentist.
You will have an absolute advantage by having Bella Vita Consultants represent you as your plastic surgery coordinator. BVC will provide you with obtaining a personal assessment, confirming and securing your date of surgery, planning every aspect of your journey and of course, serving as your personal contact during your recovery.